Empower Consumers to Empower Others

AllPeople Marketplace is imagining a new world

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with AllPeople Marketplace! AllPeople Marketplace is a sustainable shopping platform that offers a curated selection of products from ethical and socially responsible brands. Its mission is to create a positive impact on the world by promoting sustainable shopping practices and supporting charitable organizations. AllPeople Marketplace believes that businesses have a responsibility to prioritize the well-being of people and the planet, and it is committed to providing a transparent and […]

Connecting Students to the Right Services

Our volunteer coordinator at the Cardozo Education Campus faces many challenges

Cardozo Educational Campus is now Children Incorporated’s longest affiliated site in Washington, D.C. It is also our only affiliated site in Ward 1. This ward has a rich architectural and cultural heritage. It is a true melting pot, with immigrants from all over the world. It is the modern heart of the city’s Hispanic/Latino community. It is also home to many of the city’s African American and Asian American small businesses. This ward has 12 […]

Loving Their Time at Grace Aaron

In India, sponsored children enjoy the center they attend

As he continues visiting our affiliated sites in India, Luis Bourdet visits the Grace Aaron Childcare Center, where students are very happy to be present. “The town of Burgampahad, in the southeastern Indian state of Telangana, is where the Grace Aaron Childcare Center is located,” explained Luis Bourdet. “Within this rice-producing region, which is susceptible to crop-destroying flooding and droughts, thousands of field laborers earn very low wages. Due to widespread poverty, only some parents […]

A Distinct and Unique Education in Bangalore

Luis Boudret concludes his site visits in India at the Parikrma School

We arrived in Bangalore, a city full of trees and gardens, and perhaps the city with the most order when driving (I did not mention that driving in India is truly chaotic and challenging. Most people walk on the streets, thousands of bikes and mopeds move without any order, and even animals are common in most boulevards and streets within the city limits). The Parikrma Foundation operates in this city. They have four schools (k-12) […]

An Excellent Reputation in India

The Auxilium School is known for providing wondering support for impoverished children

Upon leaving Dornakal, it took us about 4-5 hours of driving to reach the city of Guntur. The large state of Andhra Pradesh was bifurcated into two new states: Telangana State and Andhra Pradesh, and the largest city in the original state was Hyderabad. Traditionally, Andhra Pradesh area was more the coastal area, so the state of Andhra Pradesh was assigned to the area of the original state near the coast, and the central area, […]

Supporting Rural Education in India

The St. Mary’s Home for Girls helps children who come from areas with no schools

The last home to visit was The St. Mary’s Home for Girls. This facility is also located in a large city about one hour away from Dornakal, and it is where our hotel was. It was formerly a home for Polio Rehabilitation, but now has been converted into a hostel for children who want to have an education but live in rural areas where schools may not be available. The compound is large, and the […]