Saying Thanks to Sponsors

Children in Tecpan, Guatemala and their mothers create handmade gifts to send to sponsors

Located just southeast of Mexico, Guatemala is the most populous country in Central America. Its spectacular mountains boast a wealth of natural resources and stunning biodiversity. For centuries, this land served as the core territory of the renowned Mayan civilization. Following two centuries of Spanish colonization, Guatemala gained its independence in the early nineteenth century, only to endure another 150 years of political instability and civil unrest. Additionally, this area is prone to devastating natural […]

A Passionate Humanitarian

Our founder, Mrs. Jeanne Clarke Wood, was intensely dedicated to her work

In 1964, Mrs. Jeanne Clarke Wood, our founder, visited Guatemala and discovered that in many poor communities, children had to work to help their impoverished families. “We found the need in Guatemala was even greater than we had thought,” Mrs. Wood wrote to a friend. “Children — even very small ones — roam the streets selling bits of candy or shoestrings, pencils or even lottery tickets, in a pitiful struggle to earn a living.” Upon […]

What You Need to Know About Sponsorship in the United States

We answer all your questions about sponsoring a child in the United States with Children Incorporated

In the United States, we work in Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana and Washington, D.C. to give children in need a chance at a brighter future. Your support of children in these places provides them with food, clothing, school supplies, and hygiene items through our sponsorship program. We also fund feeding programs, and support unsponsored children through our Shared Hope Fund. In addition, our Hope In Action Fund allows us […]

Learning Outside the Classroom

A special student in New Orleans benefits greatly from educational games and activities

We know very well here at Children Incorporated that all kids are not the same. It is one of the primary reasons for which we encourage our volunteer coordinators at each of our affiliated projects to decide what each individual sponsored child’s needs are, because we know that they vary based on differing circumstances. In one instance, for example, one of our volunteer coordinators found that the particular need of a special girl in New […]

Praise from Our Coordinators

Our volunteer coordinators in the United States share their stories of gratitude for our programs

Without a doubt, our volunteer coordinators are the backbone of our organization. Without help from these special teachers, guidance counselors, and resource center coordinators at our affiliated schools, we couldn’t reach thousands of children living in poverty every year, helping them to receive the basic needs they require in order to focus on getting an education. We have found that our volunteer coordinators are just as grateful for our programs as we are for their […]

Seal of Approval

Why charity ratings are so important

Ratings of charitable organizations exist to provide the general public with knowledge about the finances of particular charities, including identifying their incomes, business expenses, and the amount of money it takes for them to acquire donations. Information from charity rating organizations also tells donors how much of their donations will be used to support charitable causes, and what portion of them will be dedicated to the charities’ operating expenses. Additionally, it lets donors know how […]