Taking Care of Her Own

A former sponsored child is now caring for two special children in our program

We are fortunate that we often get news from our volunteer coordinators that really brightens our days. Today, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, shares a  sweet story from our volunteer coordinator, Genevieve, about two brothers, Brandon and Alex*, who were recently enrolled in our sponsorship program and are waiting for sponsors. A story about Brandon and Alex “Genevieve called the other day and wanted to tell me about the boys’ stepmom, Patricia,” said […]

Children Incorporated Fall 2020 Newsletter

On the Road with Children Incorporated

We are pleased to share with you our 2020 Fall Newsletter! Thank you for support children in need around the world during the COVID-19 outbreak. Fighting Against Hunger During the Pandemic  Amidst school closures across the U.S. this past spring due to COVID-19 lockdowns, our concern turned to how to best help children who are already living in vulnerable situations.  Many children in our program rely on school lunches and on our Backpack Feeding Program […]

Leaving a Legacy Behind

What one person can do in their lifetime — and beyond

Our sponsors are incredibly important to us, and we consider each and every one of them to be a part of the Children Incorporated family. We cherish what these caring individuals are able to do for their sponsored children not only during their lifetimes, but after as well. Today we share stories of two of our very special sponsors who passed away this year and were able to continue to help children in need through […]

The Complete Guide to Sponsoring a Child

Everything you need to know about becoming a sponsor

Child sponsorship is one of the most effective ways to help a child living in poverty and it also has many rewards for the sponsor. We want to offer a comprehensive guide on why sponsoring a child has such a lasting effect on impoverished children and how you can get involved in changing a child’s life. What is child sponsorship? Child sponsorship involves pairing a supporting donor with a child in need. The donor (who […]

Low Resources in Bolivia

Without our support, many families would go without essential items during the COVID-19 crisis

Not unlike many of the other 21 countries in which we work, parents living in poverty in Bolivia are struggling to support their families while they are out of work. Many of Bolivia’s citizens live off of what they can sell daily in their communities, the COVID-19 lockdown has meant a lack of income — and an inability to buy vital resources for their children. Thankfully, our COVID-19 Response Fund is supporting families during this […]

Themes From Childhood

Please join us for a very special fundraising event

We are pleased to invite you to a very special fundraising event to be held virtually on September 12, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. EST. Themes from Childhood: A Classic Concert for All Ages will feature Children Incorporated Board Member Theresa P. Steward along with special guests and will benefit our COVID-19 Response Fund. We hear from Children Incorporated President and CEO, Ronald H. Carter, who discusses more about the event: “Theresa P. Steward is a member […]