Our volunteer coordinator, Genevieve, at Sebastian Elementary School in Kentucky, writes to us to express how much of an impact our program has had on the children at her school and herself.

A Letter from Genevieve

As a Family Resource Youth Services Center Coordinator, I would like to shine a bright spotlight on Children Incorporated. There is no other program that helps children in our area like this one. It amazes me how quickly Children Incorporated responds to crises; I always call Children Incorporated “My First Responder.” 

“I believe strongly in its mission and hope to build a brighter future and offer faith to little souls out there in the world.”

In times of flood, fire, or the death of a loved one, this program is the best. I have been at this educational facility for 19 years, and the children who walk through our doors always know where to turn for extra support from a caring pen pal in the form of a sponsor. With a third of our student population being raised by a relative, not the parent, Children Incorporated steps in with a much-needed resource. 

When I retire in a few short years, my first plan is to become a sponsor for a child enrolled in the Children Incorporated program. This is the beginning of my bucket list, and I am deeply committed to this program. I believe strongly in its mission and hope to build a brighter future and offer faith to little souls out there in the world. 

Being a volunteer coordinator has been an amazing blessing to me, and I want to pay it back. I never want to stop participating in this program, which I love. 

Once again, thank you for letting me have a small part in helping in the lives of the children.

your impact through hope in action

Sponsorship is one of many ways you, our loyal supporters, help impoverished children every month. Additionally, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and donors who have made contributions to our Hope In Action Fund in the last month, we have been able to:

– Provide funding for the medical needs of the children at the Juan Apostol School in Guatemala
– Provide funds to purchase nutritious meals for students at Santa Isabel Ana Seton in Guatemala for one month
– Provide funds to purchase snacks for students at Alleghany High School in North Carolina
– Provide funds for the daily meals for 25 children for an entire month at Kids’ Hope Ethiopia
– Provide funds to offer nutritional meals to 40 children for an entire month at the Visayans Center in the Philippines
– Provide funding to purchase hygiene items for students at Rogers Elementary School in Kentucky
– Provide funds to purchase shelving supplies for the coordinator at Buckhorn Combined School in Kentucky for her resource center
– Provide funds to purchase a new refrigerator for a family of a sponsored child who attends Highland-Turner Elementary School in Kentucky

Thank you to our supporters for all that you do! We couldn’t do our life-changing work without you.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in that is available for sponsorship.


Community Support, Stories of Hope

written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

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