Do you have a religious or political affiliation?
Children Incorporated is an independent charity
No. Children Incorporated is an independent charity. We have no religious or political affiliation. Our goal is to assist as many children living in poverty as possible, and we respect each child’s religious and cultural heritage. The affiliated sites we work with around the world are existing NGOs, and, in some countries, these include childcare facilities that are managed by religious organizations. For example, we support children who live at the Puente Piedra Girls’ Home, […]
How do you confirm that your volunteers are implementing your services correctly?
Each volunteer must submit reports verifying the Children Incorporated funds have been appropriately managed. All site reports are carefully audited at our Richmond, Virginia office. Additionally, our staff routinely visits our affiliated sites to ensure that every volunteer is correctly implementing our program. Our coordinators volunteer with Children Incorporated because we help them to help their children. They take great pains to uphold the integrity of our programs, and we are very grateful to them […]
How do I include Children Incorporated in estate planning?
It is simple to include our organization in your plans
There are many ways to include Children Incorporated in your estate plans, including bequests, IRA/401(k) designations, annuities, and charitable remainder trusts. For more information, please contact us at (800) 538-5381. We will work with you to create the plan that best meets your needs. SPONSOR A CHILD what is children incorporated? Children Incorporated provides basic necessities such as food, clothing, healthcare and educational support to children living in poverty in the U.S. and […]
What giving opportunities do you offer?
There are many different ways to donate to Children Incorporated
In addition to our child sponsorship program, which assists children in the United States and 19 other countries, Children Incorporated maintains a variety of special funds that support our efforts in meeting the needs of children living in poverty around the world. Our special funds Our Annual Fund supports administrative costs and will ensure that Children Incorporated can maximize the impact of support we provide to the children we serve. Contributions to this fund will also help […]
Is it possible to visit my sponsored child?
Visits by sponsors are rewarding for sponsors and children
It is possible to visit sponsored children; however, since we work with a network of volunteers and affiliated sites, we cannot guarantee that all affiliated sites are open to sponsor visits. Circumstances vary from area to area. If you are interested in visiting your sponsored child, please contact us for specifics relating to the child and affiliated site. If your child’s site does allow visits, we ask that you contact us at least 45 days prior to […]
Why do you rely on volunteers to implement your programs?
Our volunteer coordinators are vital to our work around the world
We work primarily with volunteers for two reasons: First, we have found that volunteers are in the best position to meet the unique needs of each child. All of our volunteers are teachers, social workers, guidance counselors, school principals, or other childcare professionals. They work with the children enrolled in our sponsorship program on a daily basis, and they observe firsthand the circumstances of each child’s life. Second, working with volunteers allows us to keep […]