Tag Archives: sponsor a child

All of our sponsors are incredibly important to us and the children they support, and we are delighted every time we receive a letter from one of our volunteer coordinators about how a sponsor went above and beyond to make a difference for children in need.

Today, we hear from Rachel at Broad Rock Elementary School in Virginia, who wrote to one of our sponsors, Sharon, after she donated toys and educational games to the school.

Today, we hear from Rachel at Broad Rock Elementary School in Virginia, who wrote to one of our sponsors, Sharon, after she donated toys and educational games to the school.

Rachel’s Letter 

“Thank you for all of the wonderful donations to our school! I was surprised and so happy to hear from the Director of U.S. Programs at Children Incorporated, Renée, when she contacted me about receiving your thoughtful gifts. Renée even offered to deliver the donations herself, since the Children Incorporated office is located near our school.”

“When Renée arrived, we loaded two small handcarts with the boxes of donations and wheeled them in — and literally as soon as we crossed the threshold, a teacher spied us. She admired the items, and when I explained what they were, she asked excitedly for the three little rubber ducks to use for a special lesson she was planning, and I gave them to her on the spot.”

Putting a smile on Sherry’s face

Renée is pictured with a car full of donations for Broad Rock Elementary School students.

“It was such an incredible surprise to open up each box of items. I selected a few things that we knew your sponsored child, Sherry*, would love, and I surprised her with them the same day. She was over the moon about the Peppa Pig figurines especially. I then let her choose some toys to take home as well. She chose the tea set, puzzles, and a sleeping bag that she’s really excited to use soon when family members visit.”

“After Sherry returned to class, I was able to distribute the rest of the toys to other classrooms. The musical instrument pad went to our music teacher, and the solar robot went to our STEM teacher. A few other items, such as the hand puppets, Legos, and a few board games, I held onto to use for students during individual time or small-groups in our resource center.”

A small act of kindness going a long way

“The rest of the items will be shared with other students in the Children Incorporated program, and what’s left will be made available to parents during parent pick-up at dismissal. Thank you again for your kindness. These items really brighten the lives of children who otherwise don’t have a lot. We appreciate you!



*Name changed to protect the child.


How do I sponsor a child in Virginia?

You can sponsor a child in Virginia in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Virginia that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

From the snowcapped Himalayans to tropical beaches, India is truly a nation of contrasts. It boasts a rich history spanning tens of thousands of years. In fact, the earliest known civilization in South Asia once called India’s fertile Indus Valley home. Today, with the world’s second-largest population, India includes a staggering variety of ethnicities, languages, religions, and cultures. Its wealth of natural resources and vibrant cultures, however, belie the abject poverty in which so many of India’s citizens live.

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of impoverished children in India, offering them a chance at a better and brighter future.

According to the World Bank, even though India has made remarkable strides at reducing poverty over the years, today, 22% of the population, or 270 million people live below the poverty line. 

Challenges for Children in India

In India, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as they struggle with poverty, and lack of educational resources. Right now, Children in India need your help.

  • 30% of the world’s extremely poor children live in India
  • Each year, 1.4 million children in India die before their 5th birthday
  • Nearly 25% of children have no access to education
  • 4% of children are stunted and suffering from malnutrition
  • Child labor persists within the country, keeping school-age children from going to school
  • Children from rural areas, urbans slums, scheduled castes, and tribal communities often suffer
    from malnutrition, access to quality health services, child marriage, lack of sanitation
    facilities, hygiene, and access to improved water
  • India is highly prone to flooding, droughts, earthquakes and refugee flows that
    impact children’s lives and ability to access basic resources 

Our Work in India

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of impoverished children in India, offering them a chance at a better and brighter future.

We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other basic needs that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes it possible for us to help India’s children in crisis.


How do I sponsor a child in India?

You can sponsor a child in India in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in India that is available for sponsorship.








written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Situated in the Central American Isthmus, Costa Rica is a land rich in natural beauty including tropical rainforest, volcanoes and lakes. It shares borders with Nicaragua to the north, Panama to the south, the Caribbean Sea to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Costa Rica since 1964.

Despite its status as one of the most stable, prosperous and progressive nations in Latin America — and one of the most ecofriendly in the world — Costa Rica struggles beneath a threatened economy and low paying jobs. Profound poverty affects many residents, with roughly 10% of Costa Ricans struggling to make ends meet while trying to survive on only USD 1.25 a day. Poverty in Costa Rica is especially prevalent in rural areas and in certain parts of the country’s capital, San José.

Challenges for Children in Costa Rica

In Costa Rica, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as poverty leads to lack of educational and basic resources. Right now, children living in poverty in Costa Rica need your help.

  • 1 in 3 children under the age of 18 lives in poverty
  • The COVID-19 pandemic led to a considerable decrease in the average family income
  • The school net attendance rate for children in Costa Rica is only 44%
  • Since 2020, 30% of households in Costa Rica have reduced their food portions
    to accommodate for loss of wages

Our Work in Costa Rica

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Costa Rica since 1964.

 We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other essentials that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes all our work possible for Costa Rican children in crisis.


How do I sponsor a child in Costa Rica?

You can sponsor a child in Costa Rica in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Costa Rica that is available for sponsorship.









Historic thunderstorms struck southeastern Kentucky from the late evening of Wednesday, July 27th through Thursday, July 28th. The storms produced at least 6″ of rain within a 24-hour period. More rain fell the following Friday and Saturday, bringing the total to 14″-16″ of rainfall within a five-day period. The storms triggered both flash flooding of creeks and severe river flooding. The flooding also caused mudslides, and torrents of water and mud washed away small bridges, roads, and homes.

Donors and sponsors who wish to make extra contributions are gratefully welcomed to do so. These contributions will be put into our Hope In Action Fund for additional disaster relief and related emergencies and needs.

A devastating event

The death toll stands currently at 37 and is sadly expected to rise, as many people remain unaccounted for. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear described it as “one of the worst and most devastating events in Kentucky’s history.”

Many of the hardest hit counties are in areas where Children Incorporated is serving. Our hearts have been very heavy as we read the articles and watched the film footage of the flooding. Our amazing volunteer coordinators in southeastern Kentucky have just begun to contact us and send their own pictures and stories.

Children Incorporated is joining the call to help and has already sent $42,000 in disaster relief funds to our affiliated sites in the greatest impacted areas. Our coordinators will use these contributions to purchase items the children and their families need most — from bottled water to nonperishable food, from bleach to detergent, from antibiotic ointment to band-aids, and more. Our caring sponsors’ regular contributions are also being sent, and our coordinators plan to buy clothing for the children.

Thanks to our Hope In Action Fund, we are able to respond immediately to disasters and emergencies.

How you can help

In the midst of the heartache, we are also hearing inspiring stories of help coming from all across our country, and stories of local residents helping one another from rooftop rescues to horseback checkups to the daunting and extensive cleanup efforts. Schools in border counties are being used as shelters or staging areas. Initial aid is being distributed from unaffected buildings and dry parking lots, and this aid will steadily expand in scope as cleanup and repair efforts continue.

Donors and sponsors who wish to make extra contributions are gratefully welcomed to do so. We will continue to support flood-related efforts through your kind and generous donations to our Hope In Action Fund. Thank you all for your support of children and families in Kentucky during this emergency and for all you do for children around the world throughout the year.



written by Kristen Walthall

Kristen is our Assistant Director of U.S. Programs who oversees Children Incorporated’s work in the United States – from the rural southeast and southwest to our urban areas in New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia. She works closely with an outstanding network of more than 100 volunteer coordinators at each affiliated site to ensure the children in our program are receiving the support they need.

» more of Kristen's stories

Abundant in rivers, lakes, and fertile, tropical farmland, El Salvador’s wealth of natural beauty traverses a vast central plateau bordered by Pacific coastal plains to the south and rugged mountains to the north. For centuries, several Mesoamerican nations called this land home, including the Lenca, Olmec, Maya, and Pipil/Cutcatlec.

High unemployment rates, rising inflation, organized crime, and a soaring birthrate leave many Salvadorans in a desperate state.

However, this smallest and most densely populated Central American nation is particularly susceptible to natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and it has been plagued by chronic political and economic instability for more than a century. High unemployment rates, rising inflation, organized crime, and a soaring birthrate leave many Salvadorans in a desperate state. El Salvador’s poverty is a problem that prevents many from getting a proper education, adequate healthcare, drinkable water, and sanitation services. It also affects children’s growth.

Challenges for Children in El Salvador

In El Salvador, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as they struggle with poverty and lack of educational resources. Right now, children in El Salvador need your help.

  • 25% of children under the age of 5 live in extreme poverty
  • 36% of the rural population lives in poverty
  • Half of all the country’s children and teenagers live on less than US $1.25 per day
  • Almost 25% of school-aged children do not attend school, and roughly 10% work as child laborers
  • Almost 20% of males and 25 % of females aged 15 or above cannot read or write
  • El Salvador has one of the highest rates of crime and murder in the world, and gang violence and extortion disturb the economy, leading to widespread poverty

Our Work in El Salvador

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of impoverished children in El Salvador since 1964.

We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other essentials that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes all our work possible to help children in crisis in El Salvador.


How do I sponsor a child in El Salvador?

You can sponsor a child in El Salvador in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in El Salvador that is available for sponsorship.





written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

We are thrilled to announce our new partnership with Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®. Starting this upcoming Giving Tuesday, $1 will be donated to Children Incorporated from any item purchased from Banter by Piercing Pagoda’s Kids Collection through December 19th, up to $50,000.

All proceeds will go to our Hope In Action Fund which supports children and families in emergency situations, such as natural disasters, extreme hardship due to health challenges, and when families are unable to pay for school activities for their children.

“Using every purchase from our Kids Collection for this partnership only felt right when working with Children Incorporated to support the need of the children they serve, and we can’t wait to continue our partnership in the future.”

“We’re excited to partner with Children Incorporated this Giving Tuesday to help kids on their journeys to becoming the best versions of themselves. When we came across Children Incorporated, we felt an immediate connection based off our brands’ mutual passion for everyone, and in this case children, to have the opportunity to succeed,” says Brandi Guccion, Vice President of Brand Marketing, Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®.

“Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® empowers individuals to celebrate who they are and have the confidence to believe in themselves, which is why we felt an instant synergy with Children Incorporated. Using every purchase from our Kids Collection for this partnership only felt right when working with Children Incorporated to support the need of the children they serve, and we can’t wait to continue our partnership in the future.”

About Piercing Pagoda

Today, Piercing Pagoda®, the rapidly growing, affordable fine jewelry and piercing retailer, announced it’s ushering in a bold new chapter in its 50-year evolution with the testing and introduction of a new master brand name, “Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®.” This new name reflects the personal relationship the retailer has with both its new and long-held customers, its innovative customer experiences, and its omnichannel growth strategy. “Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®” has plans to roll out the name to its more than 500 U.S. locations, digital platforms, and social media channels. Already, one-fifth of existing locations are testing the new Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® name in cities including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Seattle.

“Our new Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® name is full of energy, invoking the excitement of playful conversation, like the adrenaline of a new piercing or piece of jewelry. Our customers are fiercely individual, creative people who inspire us to reject labels and celebrate our unique identities each day,” said Kecia Caffie, President of Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®. “Guided by our Inspiring Brilliance strategy, our passionate team draws inspiration directly from our customers to continually evolve our product offerings and our connected commerce experiences so that we’re there for them whenever, wherever and however they choose to shop with us.”

Known by its distinctive gold-script capital letter “B,” Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® aims to empower more customers to express themselves with chains, charms, necklaces, and earrings that are gender neutral – and safely offers piercing services for the face, nose, and ears. Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® combines stylish designs and approachable service at affordable price points with tech-enabled stores and warm, modern service.

Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® is part of Signet Jewelers, the world’s largest retailer of diamond jewelry. Within the Signet portfolio, which features nine jewelry retail brands with distinct value propositions, Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® caters to the tech-savvy Gen Z and millennial customer, who is passionate about jewelry and fashion – and lets their style tell their story. Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® takes inspiration directly from its customers to evolve product offerings, underscoring the company’s consumer-inspired strategy based on data-driven insights.



written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories