Dear Friends,
Our Shared Hope Fund, which provides basic needs support for children waiting for a special sponsor, is one of our most valued funds. Recently, I saw yet another example of its importance and how it helps students who are in immediate and sometimes desperate need of help. The story touches my heart, and I believe you will feel it, too.
Would you please consider making a donation to our Shared Hope Fund today? We always need and deeply appreciate your support of our special funds that support all of our organization’s programs.
Alex’s Story
One of our volunteer coordinators at a newly affiliated U.S. high school contacted me. She had learned that one of her teenage students, Alex*, was in crisis, had become homeless, and was sleeping in a car in frigid weather. Thanks to contributions to our Hope In Action Program from generous donors and sponsors like you, I was able to arrange for immediate emergency aid for Alex. Then the coordinator added wistfully that she had wanted to enroll Alex in our sponsorship program but was concerned that since Alex is in the 12th grade and would be graduating in May, she wasn’t sure she should complete an application for him to enroll him.
I encouraged her to go ahead and enroll Alex. I explained that our Shared Hope Fund can provide assistance for Alex from now through graduation, offering him encouragement and hope. This support will enable Alex to receive not only clothing and classroom supplies but his graduation cap and gown, too – things that our coordinator didn’t think she would be able to provide for him. The coordinator is thrilled to be able to help Alex quickly and really change his life for the better, setting him on a hopeful path for the future.
Our shared hope fund at work
Donations made to our Shared Hope Fund provide immediate support to children awaiting sponsorship, whether they are 7 or 17 years old. As director of our organization’s programs in the United States, I truly value our Shared Hope Fund for its flexibility and scope. We add new children to our sponsorship program every day. Finding enough sponsors for all of them is one of our biggest ongoing challenges.
The need at the global level is so profound that some children can wait many months before they are matched with their sponsors; for that reason, our Shared Hope Fund is vital to helping children who sometimes desperately need our help.
Would you please consider making a donation to our Shared Hope Fund today? We always need and deeply appreciate your support of our special funds that support all of our organization’s programs. Thank you so much for considering a contribution to our Shared Hope Fund to help children right away while they await their sponsors.
With deep gratitude,
Renée Kube