How You Can Get Involved Beyond Sponsorship

We have many other opportunities to support Children Incorporated

Beyond sponsoring a child, several other ways to support our work exist. Two of the most important ways we need your support is by either becoming an ambassador for our organization or hosting a fundraising event. Both of these important volunteer opportunities offer you, as a supporter, a way to get involved in our work with no or limited financial commitment and greatly help children in need around the world. Become an aMbassador One way […]

December 2024 Impact Report

Thank you for supporting children in need this past month

As the holiday season often means sharing what we are grateful for, we would like to share letters of gratitude from our volunteer coordinators as part of our monthly Impact Report. Thank you, our loyal supporters, for everything you have done this holiday season and throughout 2024 to help children in need. Becky’s Letter My school district is one where almost 70% of students are classified in the category of economically disadvantaged. So, from a […]

November 2024 Impact Report

Thank you for supporting children in need this past month

As part of our monthly Impact Report, we want to share with you a letter from our volunteer coordinator, Ashley, at Blackwell Elementary School in Virginia. She wrote to thank all our sponsors for their endless support of children in need, which gives her peace of mind throughout the year. “I sincerely appreciate the unwavering support provided by the Children Incorporated program. The transformative effect it has had on the lives of our students and […]

Our October 2024 Impact Report

Thank you for supporting children in need this past month

One of the best ways to express the importance of our work — all thanks to our sponsors and donors — is by sharing letters from our volunteer coordinators worldwide. Linda, at Highland-Turner Elementary School in Kentucky, recently wrote to us to express her sincere gratitude for you, our amazing sponsors: “These children who are now adults will never forget the kindness of strangers who decided to become sponsors and then friends.” Linda’s Letter “Your support […]

Our Fall 2024 Newsletter

Honoring Our Founder, Jeanne Clarke Wood

In October 1964, Mrs. Jeanne Clarke Wood started a non-profit children’s organization called Children Incorporated. What began with just 95 sponsored children in Guatemala quickly escalated to helping 1600 children in 10 countries within just two short years. Today, Children Incorporated has sponsorship programs in 20 countries worldwide and provides tens of thousands of impoverished children with clothing and school supplies, medical care, and many other types of assistance. Thanks to our donors, schools, dormitories, […]

Introducing Founder’s Day

Our founder, Jeanne Clarke Wood, established Children Incorporated in 1964

Dear Friends,  As we celebrate our 60th year as an organization, Children Incorporated staff members fondly remember our founder, Jeanne Clarke Wood. Though I only worked with Mrs. Wood briefly, I recall how she treated her employees like family. She tried to do little things to make work life more like home life, including having gatherings and sharing meals with the staff. Mrs. Wood valued people; she was funny and personable. She loved writing letters […]