
Stories written by Shelley Callahan

Watching Kids Grow Up in Guadalajara

Two years later, our Director of Development returns to the La Luz Home

After visiting the second of three of our affiliated sites in Mexico, it was time for Ron Carter, Yefiny Mena, and myself to travel from San Miguel de Allende to Guadalajara, where we would be meeting with our volunteer coordinator at the La Luz Home. Remembering the visit before When I was at La Luz two years ago with our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, a few of the children at the home stood […]

Supporting Young Girls’ Independence

At Casa Santa Julia in San Miguel de Allende, children are taught skills for the future

After a wonderful visit to Casa Santa Ines in Mexico City, I couldn’t wait for our President and CEO, Ron Carter, to visit our next affiliated site, Santa Julia, which is a four-hour bus ride away in San Miguel de Allende. Ron, our International Programs Specialist Yefiny, and I arrived in San Miguel in the late afternoon. We planned to meet with Lily, who works in the administrative offices of Santa Julia, the day after. […]

Giving Mothers Peace of Mind in Mexico

Casa Santa Ines helps girls with only one parent receive an education

When I was told that I would accompany the President and CEO of Children Incorporated, Ron Carter, on his first visit to Mexico with our organization, I was beyond excited. It would be my third time seeing our affiliated sites in this magnificent country, but I knew that seeing it with Ron would be a whole new experience and one that I looked forward to immensely. In preparation for our trip, Ron and I spoke […]

Supporting Rural Education in India

The St. Mary’s Home for Girls helps children who come from areas with no schools

As our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, continues his visits to our affiliated sites in India, he discusses his time at the St. Mary’s Girls’ Hostel, where young women from rural areas are offered the chance for a well-rounded education while having a safe place to live. A history of the home “The St. Mary’s Home for Girls is located in a large city about one hour away from Dornakal. It was formerly a […]

One of the Best Facilities for Children in Need

Luis Bourdet visits the St. Paul's Home for Girls - Kothagudem in India

During his ongoing visits to our affiliated sites in India, Luis Bourdet recently visited the St. Paul’s Home for Girls – Kothagudem. He was impressed by the high standard of the dorm, which he considers one of the best among our regional partners. UNDERSTANDING ST. PAUL’S “My next visit was t0 the St. Paul’s Home for Girls – Kothagudem, located in one of the largest cities in the Dornakal Diocese work area. The Church of […]

Very Proud of Their Home

Luis Bourdet continues his visits to our affiliated sites in India

Today, we hear from our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, who visited the Dornakal Girls’ Hostel as part of his recent trip to India, where the girls in attendance are thrilled to be at such a lovely establishment. Visiting the Dornakal Girls’ Hostel “The next day in the morning, I was scheduled to visit the Dornakal Girls’ Hostel. This is located within the Dornakal Diocese compound in Dornakal. To counter the two boy’s hostels […]