Tag Archives: india sponsorship

From the snowcapped Himalayans to tropical beaches, India is truly a nation of contrasts. It boasts a rich history spanning tens of thousands of years. In fact, the earliest known civilization in South Asia once called India’s fertile Indus Valley home. Today, with the world’s second-largest population, India includes a staggering variety of ethnicities, languages, religions, and cultures. Its wealth of natural resources and vibrant cultures, however, belie the abject poverty in which so many of India’s citizens live.

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of impoverished children in India, offering them a chance at a better and brighter future.

According to the World Bank, even though India has made remarkable strides at reducing poverty over the years, today, 22% of the population, or 270 million people live below the poverty line. 

Challenges for Children in India

In India, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as they struggle with poverty, and lack of educational resources. Right now, Children in India need your help.

  • 30% of the world’s extremely poor children live in India
  • Each year, 1.4 million children in India die before their 5th birthday
  • Nearly 25% of children have no access to education
  • 4% of children are stunted and suffering from malnutrition
  • Child labor persists within the country, keeping school-age children from going to school
  • Children from rural areas, urbans slums, scheduled castes, and tribal communities often suffer
    from malnutrition, access to quality health services, child marriage, lack of sanitation
    facilities, hygiene, and access to improved water
  • India is highly prone to flooding, droughts, earthquakes and refugee flows that
    impact children’s lives and ability to access basic resources 

Our Work in India

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of impoverished children in India, offering them a chance at a better and brighter future.

We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other basic needs that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes it possible for us to help India’s children in crisis.


How do I sponsor a child in India?

You can sponsor a child in India in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in India that is available for sponsorship.








written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

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