Our Affiliated Project: The Maria Immaculata Children’s Education Center in Kiamumbi, Nairobi, Kenya


facts about the Maria Immaculata Children’s Education Center:

  • Ages served: 5 – 19
  • Facility description: The the center is a well-kept complex of buildings including three dormitories, a kitchen, a classroom building, an office building, a dining hall, a cowshed and pigsty and a small playground.
  • Education: The center provides primary and secondary education, emphasizing core academic subjects as well as moral guidance.
  • Activities: In addition to academics, children also enjoy a variety of clubs, recreational games and sports (such as football, volleyball and running).
  • Nutrition: Children receive nutritious meals throughout the week.
  • Medical care: The school has a dispensary where children and community members receive medical care as needed.

Located in the Great Lakes region of eastern Africa, Kenya is known for its fertile highlands, grassy savannahs, wildlife and its namesake peak, Mt. Kenya. Its economy relies heavily upon agriculture and tourism. Kenya is also a cradle of civilization, rich in cultural heritage and diversity. The nation’s wealth of natural beauty, resources, and culture, however, belie the poverty in which most of its residents live. Tragically, destitution and weak government institutions permit frequent violations of human rights. Kenya is also plagued by a severe shortage of healthcare workers, which contributes to lower life expectancies, high infant mortality rates and widespread preventable disease. The capital, Nairobi, is no exception to these maladies.

In Kiamumbi — one of Nairobi’s outlying neighborhoods — children live in squalid slum conditions and are often orphaned, neglected and abused. For this reason, Maria Immaculata Children’s Education Center serves as a beacon of hope. Founded in 1997 by the Sisters of Mary Immaculate, this combined home and school helps the area’s neediest children grow into healthy, productive members of society. Its mission is to instill moral and spiritual values through care, encouragement, education and community intervention. Maria Immaculata Children’s Education Center helps these deserving children realize their full potential and rise above the difficult socioeconomic circumstances from which they come.