facts about langston hughes:
- Grades Served: Prekindergarten – eighth
- Average Enrollment: 800 students
- School Uniforms: Each child is required to wear a school uniform, which they are responsible for purchasing themselves.
- Staff: Seven administrators, 45 faculty members, and 67 staff members serve the student body. The student-to-teacher ratio is 15:1.
- School Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:15 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Academic Year: Classes typically begin in early August and end in late May.
- Meals: Breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack are served daily.
- Percentage of Students Eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced-Price Meal Program: 100%
- Medical Care: A full-time school nurse is available to serve students as the need arises.
A vital port on the renowned Mississippi River, the city of New Orleans is steeped in culture and history. Even so, areas of the city have long struggled with poverty and its socioeconomic effects — even before the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. In the storm’s wake, countless businesses — and even hospitals — opted not to reopen, leaving residents of an already-troubled community severely underserviced. Recovery has been slow, and in an area prone to crime and littered with abandoned buildings and homes, daily survival here is a struggle. In a city that has endured so many challenges, Langston Hughes Academy serves as a beacon of hope.
In addition to core academics, the school offers innovative extracurricular programs such as athletics, a comprehensive music and performing arts program, educational field trips, and an Edible Schoolyard — where students participate in gardening, cooking classes, and animal husbandry. The school’s caring and dedicated staff is thrilled to partner with Children Incorporated sponsors to better equip students with such basic essentials as clothes, shoes, hygiene items, and school supplies — needs that, if left unmet, would hinder students from achieving their full academic potential. Together, we are able to provide these deserving students with a well-rounded education — the key to breaking the cycle of poverty and equipping students to rise above the difficult circumstances they face daily.
Facts about Louisiana:
- Population: 364,136
- Average Household Income: $55,339
- Poverty Rate: 6%
- Unemployment Rate: 8%
Involving Parents in Education
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