Our Affiliated Site: Lake View/Desert View Elementary in Page, Arizona


facts about lake view/desert view elementary:

  • Grades Served: The school serves children in kindergarten through 5th grade (Grades K-2 meet on the Lake View campus; grades 3-5 meet on the Desert View campus).
  • Transportation: Many students at Lake View/Desert View Elementary live far away from the school. Buses provide transportation each day, and travel time for some students can be an hour or more each way.
  • Education: School-aged children attend local public schools, where they receive instruction in core academic subjects and basic English.
  • Medical Care: A full-time registered nurse monitors students’ health and provides treatment as needed.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Extracurricular activities include an Advanced Art Club, Odyssey of the Mind Club, Choir Club, K’é Club (Navajo Club), Student Council, 100% Homework/Attendance Incentive Club, and a variety of afterschool programs.
  • Nutrition: Breakfast and lunch are provided each day. Close to sixty percent of students enrolled at Lake View/Desert View Elementary qualify for the Federal Free/Reduced-Price Meal program.
  • Academic Schedule: The academic year typically starts in early August and ends in late May. Traditional national holidays are observed.

The town of Page is located amid the stark mesas, wild terrain, and incredible desert beauty of north-central Arizona, only a few miles from the Utah border. One of the youngest communities in the United States, it actually began in 1957 as a housing camp for workers building the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River. Today, the majority of its residents are Navajo,  since the town lies just off the western fringes of the Navajo Reservation, which comprises more than 27,000 square miles, extending into both Utah and New Mexico.

Despite an ancient history and revered culture, Page’s economy is weak, and high unemployment and social problems fuel a cycle of poverty that has existed here for many years.  For this reason, Lake View/Desert View Elementary School (which comprises two campuses, split by grade level) serves as a beacon of hope to its surrounding community.  Its faculty strives to provide each child with quality education – the key to breaking the cycle of poverty so that students may rise above the difficult economic circumstances from which they come.