Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Book Series

Welcome to
Children Incorporated

Thank you very much for your decision to support our work. As we celebrate 20 years of “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff,” we remember Dr. Richard Carlson, who was a great friend and believer in our child sponsorship program.

Dr. Richard Carlson

“There are many fine agencies to choose from, but my personal favorite is Children Incorporated… the experience has brought tremendous joy and satisfaction to my entire family.”

Dr. Richard Carlson,
(May 16, 1961 – December 13, 2006)
– Excerpt from Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff


Children Incorporated envisions a world in which all children have access to education, hope, and opportunity. Richard Carlson recognized the value of sponsoring a child, and wrote about it in the first Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff book. He himself was a sponsor, and in his memory, Kristine Carlson, his wife, has challenged her friends and followers to do the same. For less than $1 a day, you can make a positive and lasting impact on the life of a needy boy or girl. Your sponsorship will provide a child with basic necessities, such as food, clothing, healthcare, and educational assistance.

If sponsoring a child is not an option for you, we also accept one-time and recurring contributions. However you choose to support our work, your partnership with us will positively impact youngsters in the United States and abroad. You can make a difference!

We rely on sponsors just like you to help thousands of children every year. For just $35 a month – $360 a year – you can help to break the cycle of poverty and give a child hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Are you ready to start changing the life of a child today?

Sponsor a Child
